When I plant my vegetables I, probably like most, plant vegetables that I enjoy eating the most, and completely overlook those vegetables that I eat but not probably as often as the most popular like tomatoes and peppers.
I have recently designated one row in my home vegetable garden to those vegetable plants that I eat, although not a lot of, to help reduce the costs I would normally incur on my shopping bill. Celery falls into that category. I do not eat a lot of it, and one single plant gives me plenty for an entire season.
Celery is a cooler temperature plant and grows better in temperatures 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It is recommended that soil they are planted in remain moist at all times, and it usually takes anywhere from 100 to 150 days to fully mature. If you live in an area like me where planting begins around the end of April to early May, you will want to start celery as soon as the fear of frost subsides.
Now I won’t actually harvest the celery until the warmer months, which is ok, I just know that I need to make sure that the soil the celery is planted in is moist and receives little sunlight during the day so I make sure I plant it in a shadier area of my garden. If you don’t have a shaded area you can cover leaves with newspaper.
You will know it is time to harvest the celery when the stalks look light yellow. When that occurs cut the plant off just above the roots and you are all set.
Celery is just one of those vegetables that you might not have thought of when it comes to planting produce that you like to eat. Can you think of some others that you eat yet not a lot of? Remember a seed for a vegetable plant can produce hundreds of dollars worth of product and costs just a few cents per seed. So use your home vegetable garden this season to save a few bucks and plant those rare vegetables that you eat only once in a while.
About the Author
Michael is the author of the book Vegetable Gardening for the Average Person, a practical easy to follow guide for the home vegetable gardener. You can follow him on Twitter as well as join his Facebook Fan Page.
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