Controlling the disease
involves eliminating conducive conditions as much as possible by
altering planting density and carefully timing applications and rates of
nitrogen. Since nitrogen fertilizers encourage dense leafy growth,
nitrogen should be applied at precise rates, less than 70 pounds per
acre, to control decrease severity. Crop rotation with non-host plants
is another way to keep mildew infection to a minimum, however the aerial
nature of conidia and ascospore dispersal makes it of limited use.
Wheat powdery mildew can also be controlled by eliminating the presence
of volunteer wheat in agricultural fields as well as tilling under crop
I have this all over my peony. Plant is huge and healthy, had many blooms this year. Not fertilizing at all, though dog pees on it from time to time. If "altering plant density" is crucial I guess I need to thin out some branches?